Purchasers, Governments and Software Vendors are facing questions such as:
- Which functionalities must an EHR cover?
- Does such system meet the security and privacy requirements?
- Is the system operational for a specific domain?
- What kind of authority can assess the quality of a particular system?
- Is the EHR certified and by which body?
- What are the quality criteria?
- Is it possible to perform a self-assessment?
- What are the financial consequences?
- Where can procedures be found?
There are many issues open. In the effort to achieve optimal development within Europe, EuroRec has set up a system which enables the cross-border quality assessment of EHR systems hereby considering specific local needs and characteristics.
The organizers welcome you in spring in Portoroz, where you will learn directly from acknowledged European experts the current standing of their efforts in Quality Labelling and Certification of EHR systems.
For further information, please visit:
Related news articles:
- FP6 eHealth Projects: Q-REC
- The First Joint EuroRec-EHTEL Workshop
- Q-REC - European Quality Labelling and Certification of Electronic Health Record Systems
- EuroRec 2006 Annual Conference
About EuroRec
The EUROREC Institute (EuroRec) is an independent not-for-profit organisation, promoting in Europe the use of high quality Electronic Health Record systems (EHRs). One of its main missions is to support, as the European authorised certification body, EHRs certification development, testing and assessment by defining functional and other criteria.
EuroRec is organised as a permanent network of National ProRec centres and provides services to industry (the developers and vendors), healthcare providers (the buyers), policy makers and patients. For more information, please visit www.eurorec.org.
About Q-REC Project
The Q-REC project entitled "European Quality Labelling and Certification of Electronic Health Record systems (EHRs)" is a Specific Support Action for the strategic objective 2.4.11 "Integrated BioMedical Information for better Health" as addressed in Call 4 of the Information Society Technologies Work Programme.
The project relates to the Action Plan of the eHealth Communication COM (2004)356 by supporting mainly "4.2.5 Conformity testing and accreditation for an eHealth market" but also " Interoperability of Electronic Health records". The scope of Q-REC thus neither extends to the national roadmaps nor the "overall" eHealth interoperability issues but is restricted to interoperability among Electronic Health Record systems, with as its principal focus, Conformance Testing and Certification. Q-REC is not a co-ordination project but a Specific Support Action (SSA) which aims at complementing (bottom-up wise) the existing e-Health ERA Co-ordination Project "Towards the establishment of a European e Health Research Area", which main goal is to coordinate the planning of eHealth R&D and coherent national roadmaps in Europe. For more information, please visit www.eurorec.org.