This is a critical opportunity to engage the constituencies you represent. During this Webinar the project proposals will be presented and the project team will answer questions and/or comments. The report may be accessed on the Mandate website at
The telephone dial-in number for this conference is: +31 70 315 12 01
The telephone login-code for participants is: 450649
During the Webinar the project team will give presentations that can be seen on your desktop with the following URL
Note 1: There is an English banner at the top left side of the screen on the page where you login. Please login with your full (Given FAMILY) name.
Note 2: Please do an online browsercheck, to see if your computer has the correct content for the Webinar.
For further information, please visit:
The European Committee for Standardization (CEN), the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) are the three officially responsible European standardization bodies that help shape the European Internal Market.
CEN and CENELEC are based in Brussels (Belgium) and ETSI is located in Sophia Antipolis (France). CENELEC deals with the standardization of products and services in the fields of electricity, electronics and associated technologies, ETSI with telecommunications, broadcasting and related areas; CEN covers all other industry and service sectors. Between them, the three organizations work with over 70.000 experts from industry and societal and environmental interest groups who develop European Standards (EN) and other specifications for more than 480 million people.
Their work directly increases market potential, encourages technological development and guarantees the safety and health of consumers, as well as the environmental protection.
For further information about CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, please visit: