There are divided opinions on whether the task of addressing the historical lack of information sharing is a cultural or a technological challenge. From a diplomatic standpoint, both opinions can arguably be justified. However, one thing is certain; understanding the capabilities of modern information technology and how they can be applied is crucial to fostering the information sharing process in order to meet the governmentâs targets on developing an integrated approach to information systems and management in the two sectors.
David Johnstone, co-Chair of the ESCR Implementation Board, believes that joining up health and socialcare, and the information systems that underpin them, is inevitable. However he cautions that, while it's necessary to have timetables for implementation, there is also a need for consistency in what's being developed. Without that consistency, the result will be systems that don't talk to each other.
David Johnstone will be a key Speaker at The Autumn Forum 2006, where he will be expanding on the need for information sharing, identifying the major benefits and clarifying how they can be achieved. In an interactive discussion, you will be able to discover the status of the CRS and future developments, debate the implications on consent and confidentiality in multi-agency care and examine and discuss the connectivity and integration issues to help you prepare your plans for integration.
I addition to David Johnstone, among the leading speakers who will be sharing their expertise and experience during The Autumn Forum are:
- Martyn Forrest â Care Records Service Programme Director, Connecting for Health
- Penny Hill â Information Strategy Manager for Social Care, Warwickshire County Council and member of the Care Records Development Board
- Professor Denise Lievesley - Chief Executive, The Information Centre for Health and Social Care
- Rob Wilson â Lecturer, Business School, Newcastle University
You can also hear from those who have been involved in many other aspects of information provision and sharing, including the electronic Single Assessment Process (eSAP), connecting systems to meet NPfIT guidelines, on-demand access to critical clinical information and exchanging information between socialcare and healthcare; the non-NPfIT route.
The Autumn Forum 2006 will be held on Wednesday 25 October at the Lakeside Conference Centre, Aston University, Birmingham.
For full details and to book your place on what promises to be an informative and rewarding day, visit www.bjhc.co.uk/autumnforum. Special 'Early Bird' booking rates are available if you book by 22 September 2006.