This workshop is an initiative of the eHealth Procurers' community, supported by the European Commission and aims to share experiences and best practices on procuring eHealth services.
The main objectives of the workshop are to:
- Facilitate the exchange of best practices for deploying sustainable eHealth services procurement strategies and specifications
- Promote the creation of synergies to increase quality & interoperability of deployed solutions as well as to launch innovative services
- Support the sharing of technical knowledge and expertise needed to deploy complex eHealth procurement tools & services
Topics to be covered include (but are not limited to):
- Legal aspects of procurement of eHealth solutions
- Assessment and classification of procurement patterns in the healthcare sector
- Procurement of eHealth services - technology state-of-art
- Procurement of eHealth services - empirical best practices
- European legislation on the procurement of eHealth solutions
- IT platforms and technology standards for the procurement of eHealth solutions
The workshop will comprise presentations by representatives and individual practitioners and experts along with roundtable discussions. The latter will primarily address future research and implementation needs.
Presentations will be selected by the event organisers on the basis of short, factual and clear submitted abstracts of 500 words max. Types of activities envisaged are short presentations and plenary discussions.
The workshop will devote approximately two thirds of its duration to presentations and one third to discussion on wider eHealth issues. The detailed agenda will be made available both online through the workshop announcement on ePractice and sent via email to all participants, once contributions by prospective speakers have been received and finalised.
Who should attend?
The workshop is open to all eHealth Procurement stakeholders and in particular to practitioners, researchers, interested practitioners and legal experts. Registration is free of charge and may be facilitated by visiting the following page -
Submission guidelines
This event is open to all, but places are limited. The organisers will be accepting short abstracts (of no more than 500 words) from those wishing to deliver a presentation. All submissions are to be sent via e-mail at by filling in all the necessary information on the "workshop form for speakers".
Please, pay particular attention at the following dates:
Submission of abstracts: September 14, 2010
Submission of final presentations: September 28, 2010
Workshop date: October 21, 2010 (tentative)
Publication of workshop proceedings: December, 2010
For further information, registration and submission of abstracts, please direct all communication to or visit: