What is Health 2.0 Europe about? It's about a new generation of entrepreneurs believing they can be the change they want to see in their health systems. It's about engaging a deeper conversation and widening our perspective on today's health eco-system: it's not just about social media and communities, it's also about patient-physician communication, system reform, data, analytics, population health management, personalized medicine, sensors/devices/unplatforms, wellness... The conference is about leveraging the international Health 2.0 community to promote cross-pollination of ideas and technology collaboration. It's about start-ups leading the way into the future of healthcare.
In 2012, Health 2.0 Europe will have 2 full days to play
It means more time to focus on the latest trends in the European and global Health 2.0 community: more panels, more live demos and some exciting additions to the program including our popular 'Code-A-Thon' and 'MatchPoint' sessions. Stay tuned for details...
...but if you would like to present, now is the time to apply
Most of Health 2.0 Europe 2012 programming consists of panels with speakers showing their technologies in 4-minute LIVE demos and commentators reflecting on what they hear and how these technologies will impact health care in the future. If your organization is in the Health 2.0 space and offers a technology or service that is particularly innovative or provides a solution to a major healthcare challenge, click here.
For further information, please visit: