The annual conference of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP), the AAL Forum, is entitled "Impacting individuals, society and economic growth" and its goal is twofold: on the one hand the conference will showcase the significant progresses made by the AAL JP projects and solutions in the exhibition area with various demos and presentations, whereas the discussion in the sessions and in the plenaries will address two important questions:
- How can we support an increased independence for older adults and benefit for the society as a whole?
- What are the business models that stimulate large scale use of AAL solutions and how may they boost economic growth?
The four tracks for this year's forum are:
- Track A - Autonomy, choice and control
This track is intended to reflect the (potential) impact of AAL solutions on individuals in terms of autonomy and of choice how to spend their days and live their lives. Important issues are social inclusion, both in terms of prevention of loneliness and participation in the e-service society, as well as physical mobility. Attention will also be given to the autonomy aspects when living with one or several chronic conditions. A specific session will be devoted to the impact of ICT based solutions on informal carers, such as partners (often seniors themselves) and family. - Track B - Ageing in the society
Here, older adults will be reflected as a collective and integrated part of the society with space for outcomes of end user studies, aspects of how new solutions may a id and impact work at high age and may help overcome language barriers. Furthermore, living labs and future smart housing will be reflected as integrated parts of the society, in order to create sustainable solutions with great impact on the society. - Track C - AAL and the economy
The AAL Joint Programme has been initiated by the EU and 23 European countries 6 years ago and has financed so far 131 R&D&I projects with a supporting sum of approximately Euro 250 Mio. At the time when the AAL JP was launched the AAL market was hardly recognizable in Europe. Has this changed since then? Has the AAL JP made a measureable impact on the Europ ean market and if what factors promoted this? These and other questions will lead the track "AAL and the economy". In 6 sessions we will look at what the AAL market has to offer today, what the challenges are for SMEs to perform in these markets, which bu siness models typically prevail, what is required to get AAL products and services off the ground and what are the future challenges in AAL. - Track D - AAL related programmes and policies in Europe
This track is devoted to AAL policy on the European level, both in terms of implementation policy and strategy - with the European Innovation Partnership on Active Healthy Ageing as a core activity - and future funding possibilities and call themes. Specific attention will be put on Europe in a global context, but also on national programmes reflecting European policy and the regional approach of European cohesion policy.
Important dates:
- Closing date of call for contributions: 26 April 2013
- Submission approval: Begin June 2013
For additional instructions to the contributors, please visit:
For further information, please visit:
The Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP) is a funding activity running from 2008 to 2013, with the aim of enhancing the quality of life of older people and strengthening the industrial base in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Therefore, the AAL JP is an activity that operates in the field of services and actions to enable the active ageing among the population.