Health 2.0 Europe has announced the final agenda for the upcoming European conference. Health 2.0 Europe is about leveraging the international Health 2.0 community to promote cross-pollination of ideas and technology collaboration. Mark your calendars to join the best in health technology for brilliant keynotes, thought-provoking sessions, and networking.
1 - Keynote by Tim Kelsey, National Director for Patients and Information, NHS including a special NHS Compass session led by Beverly Bryant, Director of Strategic systems and Technology, NHS and Alex Abbott, CTO, NHS where the NHS will share essential orientation keys and their one-year plan to open the NHS for business.
2 - Health 2.0 Tools for Doctors and Hospitals: Presenting the tools and devices that are transforming physician workflow and patient management.
3 - Not Your Mother's Health 2.0: Focus on the topics that need more attention in health care: sexual health, anxiety, depression, and stress.
4 - Health 2.0 Tools for the Elderly: Discuss the specific opportunities and challenges of this market segment and feature examples of Health 2.0 products and services.
5 - Health 2.0 for the Brain: This session focuses on the latest mobile technologies for mental health disorders, condition tracking, online communities, and more.
6 - Deep Dives from Janssen Healthcare Innovation on supporting a larger Digital Health Community, Abbvie on their first-hand account and case studies of how they worked together with patients and entrepreneurs to find a solution for better patient outcomes, plus more from WorldOne + Sermo, Cyberdoctor and EIT ICT Labs.
7 - The New Role of Pharma In Improving Patient Outcomes: Health 2.0 companies are bringing in much needed tools to make navigating the pharma industry effectively and helping companies to collaborate with experts in the industry to better patient outcomes.
8 - The mHealth Health Interface Layer Regulatory Landscape + GET Project Announcement: The European Commission will share the key elements of the Health Interface Layer (formerly known as mHealth) regulatory landscape shaping the debate around the regulation for health and well-being apps. Additionally, Jorge Gonzalez will announce the launching of a new EU-funded project designed to support health entrepreneurs and SMEs.
9 - Financing Health 2.0: Who's Stepping Up? A session for the investors, the entrepreneurs, and seasoned Health 2.0 veterans looking to learn more about investment opportunities and strategies in the health care IT marketplace.
10 - Over 10 sessions, 30 speakers, and 50 demos globally to discuss the most innovative and engaging topics in health care such as improving patient outcome, empowering patients, sexual health, care for the elderly, stress in children, the future of the health care IT marketplace, and more.
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