What are the digital design guidelines that will help patients and carers' in managing their lives and workflows? How can IT leaders create a Healthy Healthcare IT Ecosystem around their core systems, including niche providers and near shore delivery centers?
Please scan Accenture's list of sessions below - you are hereby cordially invited to attend. Please sign up and reserve your seat at the registration page.
- Monday, May 11, 16:00 - 17:00 & Wednesday, May 13,
10:00 - 11:00
DemonstrationThe Digital Future of Healthcare
Digital developments across different industries are influencing consumers in how they engage with healthcare providers and payers. Medical equipment and advances in bioinformatics are providing health care professionals with new sources of insight and the ability to collaborate.
Join Ana González, Senior Consultant Avanade, and Accenture's Health Industry Executive Josep Carbó for a showcase on the opportunities in Digital Health by use of apps and tools.
- Tuesday, May 12, 13:15-14:15
Hall I, Education Room C
Industry Programme SessionPhysician Authority - The Key to Digital Healthcare Transformation.
Beyond buy-in: how to ensure clinician ownership of digital-enabled change.While much has (rightly) been made of patient-centric healthcare, physicians remain at the epicenter of the system. Whether interacting with patients, or adopting digital healthcare systems and processes, there can be no digital transformation without physician buy-in.
Join this Industry Program Session with Accenture Health Industry Executive David Champeaux to explore clinicians' status as customers and consumers in their own right. The session will include insights from the latest Accenture Doctors Survey, detailing current physician perceptions of EMRs and the extent to which they have embraced new digital patient engagement technologies and telemedicine, with some real life examples.
- Tuesday, May 12, 10:30-11:30
Service Design Workshop
Designing for the Delivery of Healthcare.
Approaches to improve the quality of care through design and innovation.How patients and carers have leveraged digital technologies to interact and collaborate with each other and manage their actions has been largely spotty and transactional if at all.
The rapid evolution of technology and advances in service design enable more natural interactions and digital-enabled workflows.
It is a shift from commands to conversations. Digital technologies hold great promise for innovation in health and social care delivery models.
But to succeed, digital solutions need to be explicitly designed into patients and carers' workflows and lives, as opposed to engineered and deployed on top of workflows.
Join Teemu Äijälä and Riz Haque from Fjord for an interactive session on how design and digital solutions can lead to healthcare delivery transformation.
- Tuesday, May 12, 15:30-16:30
Digital Disruption WorkshopHow Digital Technologies Can Radically Lower Healthcare Costs and Raise its Benefits.
Digital technology holds promise to radically impact the cost of care by making healthcare more productive, not just more efficient.
Technology can be used to improve the way care is delivered by moving work to patients, other workers or even to machines.
These same solutions also hold the promise of giving patients more control, personalization and transparency. That means reducing the cost of care while increasing its benefits at the same time.
Join Kaveh T. Safavi, Global Managing Director, Accenture Health, for an interactive session on how digital disruption changes healthcare.
- Tuesday, May 12, 12:00-13:00
Integration WorkshopTips for Managing a Healthy Healthcare IT Ecosystem.
Is the complexity of integration preventing you from incorporating innovative solutions into your core health systems?
You've seen amazing functionality from a host of niche providers at the latest Healthcare IT conference you attended.
You'd love to implement a few gems into your overall healthcare system to deliver benefits to your citizens, but the complexity of integrating a small niche system with your core EMR system creates more headaches than it cures.
Join Accenture's Thomas Smedsrud, Alessandro Campana and Craig Oates for insights into the "how?" of combining your large healthcare applications with niche, innovative solutions.
- Wednesday, May 13, 13:00-15:00
Accenture Delivery Center VisitThe Accenture Riga delivery center is delivering services at the intersection of business and technology, providing direct access to more than 600 experts, deep industry knowledge, industrialized breadth of capabilities, certifications and more, at competitive cost.
Hear about some great work examples, and applications relevant for healthcare organizations.
- Tuesday, May 12, 16:30
Join Accenture's Client Reception with Traditional Riga Sound.
Venue: Accenture Hospitality Lounge, Stand #202, International Exhibition Centre Kipsala - Tuesday, May 12, 18:30 - 19:30
Riga Old Town Visit Tour.
Meeting point time for bus transfer: 18:00
Point for bus transfer: Main entrance of the Exhibition Center.
About Accenture
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with approximately 319,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world's most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$30.0 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2014.