Ljubisav Matejevic
IBM Watson Health Worldwide Market Development Executive for Smarter Care and IBM Curan Research Institute.
12 May 2015, 15:30-16:30, IBM Lounge, H1-3 Exhibition Floor.
Care systems around the world are under pressure, as a result of many factors including the growth in chronic conditions, ageing populations, higher citizen expectations, and limits to public funding.
In many countries, we are reaching crisis point, as the ability to provide quality care services to the population is compromised.
The responses to this challenge vary, but there is increasing focus on improving public health to avoid health risks; integrating primary care, secondary care and social care services; using data to better understand the social determinants of health, and the care needs of populations and individuals; and reducing total costs by introducing new care pathways and services to deliver care in lower cost settings, ideally in the community and at home.
IBM Smarter Care focuses on integrating health and social care. It uncovers valuable insights into lifestyle choices, social determinants, and clinical factors enabling holistic and individualized care to optimize outcomes and lower costs.
Join this session to learn more about IBM Care Management, from our product suite to support Smarter Care, a packaged software application that delivers key capabilities to facilitate outcome-focused care across the care continuum. It enables organizations to: optimize care across all determinants of health; analyze and identify actionable care facts trapped in unstructured content; and engage a multi-disciplinary team to collaborate via a comprehensive plan based on the needs of the individual.
To attend IBM session (Tuesday, May 12, 2015 from 15:30-16:30 in IBM Lounge, H1-3 on the exhibition floor.), please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to confirm your place.
About IBM
For over 70 years IBM has been dedicated to the healthcare industry, providing deep expertise in managing and integrating complex systems that have helped transform the world's industries. Together with our healthcare clients and partners, IBM is redefining value and success in healthcare to help build a smarter planet.