More than 3,000 health and care professionals and 80 IT suppliers, will descend upon London's Olympia for the second ever UK e-Health Week 2016. The conference will be bigger and better than ever before, bringing together the latest e-Health innovations with those who commission and implement as well as some exciting new streams specifically for those who use them on the front-line. Featuring lively debates, practical solutions and best practice from the most senior technology and healthcare decision makers and experts, UK e-Health Week is the only healthcare IT event supported by NHS England, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT and HIMSS.
New features for 2016 include a special delegate networking reception on the first night as well as a Commissioning and Primary Care plenary joining the Nursing, Technology and NHS content streams.
As a special promotion UK e-Health Week is offering the first 250 people that register a complimentary ticket to the special delegate networking reception worth £75. Register today to get make sure you don't miss out.
With the hottest topics spread across the two day show, including the latest from the Vanguard Sites, seven-day working, devolution max, data integration, telehealth and open source to integration, UK e-Health Week is the one show you simply cannot afford to miss.
For further information, please visit: