What are the main topics and questions concerning the digital transformation of the healthcare system at the present time - and what trends are emerging for the future? From 13 to 15 April 2021 in Berlin, DMEA - Connecting Digital Health, Europe’s key event for health IT, will be providing answers to these questions.
Experts in business, science as well as practitioners are called upon to help shape the programme of events. From now until 15 November they can apply to hold a paper at the all-day congress programme at DMEA by submitting entries to: https://www.dmea.de/en/Program/FormatsAreas/Congress/
The search is on for papers on the latest projects, products and business models or contributions that demonstrate how care processes can be made more efficient or improved using digital tools. Anyone involved in the digital transformation of the healthcare system can apply: researchers, users in the medical and nursing field, startups and major companies.
Candidates must submit an abstract of their paper, describing their personal experience with the project in question. Each submission must be assigned to one of the main topics defined by the steering committee. For 2021 these are:
1. Providing an impetus for digitalisation in nursing care - what has to happen, what will remain and what will actually happen?
2. We shape the care environment - disruption or evolution
3. An IT language for the digital healthcare system? Semantic standards and governance in interoperability.
4. Long-term financing for the digital transformation
5. Lessons Learned: six months of digital health applications in medical care
6. Telematics infrastructure, electronic patient file etc.: implementation and experience
7. Assessing digital transformation levels: can digitalisation be quantified?
8. The pandemic - initial experience with potential IT solutions and management
9. Digitally transforming the healthcare system to benefit the patient - but how?
10. Better safe than sorry. IT security in medical care
11. Digital expertise and new types of partnership
12. Successful use of AI in medicine: practical examples, scenarios and success factors
13. Medical informatics initiative: from research to care?
14. The healthcare system in 2025 - patient-controlled #2025comingsoon
15. Who votes for digitalisation? Projects and positions ahead of the federal elections
16. Regulatory requirements for software as a medical product: what it means in practice for startups and SMEs
17. Demands on IT operations in the future
18. Current status and prospects for the telematics infrastructure
After the deadline for submissions on 15 November all the entries will be assessed by a panel comprising representatives of associations, ministries, self-government, industry and science.
After this year’s DMEA was replaced by DMEA sparks, an entirely virtual event, an in-person event is scheduled again for 2021. There is a great deal of interest here: around 60 percent of the exhibition space has been booked - the same level as last year. Virtual events will be included, such as live-streaming and virtual networking events. Wide-ranging hygiene measures at the in-person event will guarantee the safety of exhibitors, trade visitors and the general public. As networking and cultivating contacts are an inherent part of DMEA, corresponding concepts are already being prepared to allow this, subject to the applicable rules.
About DMEA
DMEA is Europe's leading event for health IT which gathers decision-makers from every area of the healthcare sector - including IT specialists, physicians, hospital and nursing care executives as well as experts from politics, science and research. Every year a total of around 11,000 trade visitors came to DMEA to find out about the latest developments and products, acquire qualifications and establish important industry contacts. DMEA 2021 will take place from 13 to 15 April in Berlin. Topics will include artificial intelligence, innovations in health IT and digitalisation of nursing care processes.DMEA is held by the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg) and organised by Messe Berlin. DMEA is organised in cooperation with the following industry associations: the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg), the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), the German Medical Informatics Professional Association (BVMI). The National Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT) and the Chief Information Officers of University Hospitals (CIO-UK) provide contributions on the subject matter.