10-12 March, 2008, Berlin, Germany
Industry and government leaders convene to share best practices for improved delivery and outcomes in Europe.
Organized under the high patronage of the European Commission, the World Health Care Congress Europe is the only major global forum where over 600 healthcare leaders share best practices and initiatives for improved delivery and outcomes in Europe.
Thought leaders include Health Ministers, leading government officials, hospital directors, IT innovators, decision makers from public and private insurance funds, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, and heath care industry suppliers. A three-day networking opportunity, the event features visionary keynote addresses, controversial debates, dynamic panel discussions, discussions, case studies, tutorials and informal roundtable discussions.
New for 2008
- Four Summits covering Chronic Disease Management, IT Systems, Financial Performance, Patient Safety
- New Pharma and Suppliers' Summit on Promoting Medical Innovation - Balancing innovation with access and moving toward personalised healthcare
- New Payers' Summit on Reforming Health Insurance - Exploring public/private partnership strategies and consumer driven initiatives
- Interactive sessions at the end of each summit - a unique opportunity for attendees to interact and discuss targeted challenges with Summit presenters
- Increased networking opportunities with advanced meeting request options
For the latest programme updates and to register, please visit: