Deploying large scale services to millions of users is a challenge to ePractice professionals both from the government or the service provider side.
This workshop will explore good practice in the field of High Impact services, drawing upon a small set of case studies. The discussion will be led by prominent speakers in the area who have substantial experience in developing and implementing eServices of public interest.
High Impact services are those taking into account the size/ impact ratio in relation to the share of the total relevant population reached.
- Generating civic attitudes (towards pan-European scope)
- Capacity to expand geographically or to be transferred easily to other countries
- Big scope of users
- Strong benefits for users
- Process innovation
- Product innovation
- Technological innovation
- Technological standard/ diffusion of new technologies
- Economic factors (cost savings, productivity gains, spill over effects)
- Degree of service integration
- Reduction of bureaucratic burden for PAs and citizens
Objectives of the Workshop
- Build a community for High Impact Services.
- Integrate and maintain this community in the ePractice.eu portal.
- Identify and exploit synergies between eGovernment, eInclusion and eHealth domains.
The target audience for this event is practitioners who want to meet, share and learn about the state-of-the-art in service delivery.
For further information, please visit: