In addition to the focus on telenursing, also a nursing informatics session will be part of the Med-e-Tel program. Nursing informatics is the support of nursing by information systems in delivery, documentation, administration and evaluation of patient care and prevention of diseases. Or as defined by the IMIA Nursing Informatics SIG, "the integration of nursing, its information, and information management with information processing and communication technology, to support the health of people world wide". The session will provide an introduction to nursing informatics, an overview of current initiatives, history and what's ahead for the future, and will conclude with a look at the connection between nursing informatics and telenursing.
More details about the topics and speakers of these sessions will be available on the Med-e-Tel website soon and communicated via Med-e-Tel newsletter.
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- Med-e-Tel's Profile
About Med-e-Tel
Med-e-Tel focuses on ehealth and telemedicine applications and a wide range of other medical ICT applications and on the convergence of information and communication technology with medical applications, which lead to higher quality of care, cost reductions, workflow efficiency, and widespread availability of healthcare services.
The "Med" in Med-e-Tel stands for healthcare services (institutional and home based care, prevention and education) and for medical products and equipment (medical imaging equipment, monitoring devices, electronic health records, etc.).
The "e" stands for the electronic and IT industry and services (hard- & software, internet, e-mail, etc.).
The "Tel" stands for telecommunications (whether it is POTS, ISDN, wireless, satellite, videoconferencing, VoIP, or other).
For further information, please visit www.medetel.lu.