AOK PLUS' insured members in Saxony, who are registered with CARDIO Integral, are eligible to receive a blood pressure meter and a digital scale for improved monitoring of their disease. These devices transfer the patient's readings using a wireless and encoded system to a base station in his home, which will transmit the encoded data via a regular telephone line to a telemedical center where medical professionals monitor the data and intervene if required recommending that the patient visit his physician. In cases of emergency, rescue coordination centers, which are directly integrated into the system, will be notified. This tele-medical system thus contributes to increased patient safety and reduces unnecessary hospitalizations - an important step to increased independence and quality of life.
The patients can choose to receive 12 months of telemedical care. Before the end of this period, they receive additional training to enable them to keep their disease under control without telemedical support. AOK PLUS will have the telemedical project scientifically evaluated. For this purpose, patients are e.g. regularly asked about their quality of life.
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About InterComponentWare AG (ICW)
InterComponentWare AG (ICW) is a leading international eHealth specialist with locations in Germany, the United States, Austria, Switzerland and Bulgaria. Its solutions for networking the various players in the healthcare system lastingly improve process-oriented communication and data integrity, and therefore also the quality of healthcare. Among other things, ICW develops and distributes software and hardware components for the healthcare IT infrastructure for electronic health cards, the LifeSensor personal health record as well as networking solutions for hospitals and physician offices. As part of the bIT4health consortium, ICW provided important consulting services for the implementation of the electronic health card in Germany, is involved in the Austrian eCard project and has won the pilot project for the national health card in Bulgaria. For further information, please visit www.icw-global.com.