"The U.S. Health Information Technology (HIT) market has made tremendous progress over the past years and its dynamics provide excellent opportunities for us. We're excited about supporting critical progress in underlying technologies, a plethora of care delivery applications, and multiple stakeholder collaborations within a U.S. healthcare system that is increasingly shifting from fee-for-service to fee-for-value. Our go-to-market strategy will be centered around key strategic partnerships, which, as part of sustainably growing our U.S. organization, we'll complement with select direct initiatives to work closely with our valued U.S. customers in order to meet their needs and gather best practices for IT adoption in healthcare ," says Nils Effertz.
ICW delivers solutions ideally suited for risk bearing healthcare organizations such as Accountable Care Organizations (ACO), as well as Integrated Delivery Networks (IDN), Health Systems and HIE focused organizations. ICW's products are offered both via one-time and subscription-based licensing, benefiting from 15 years of strong HIT software development expertise from its Germany-based parent company, ICW AG.
"This is a great time to partner and work with ICW. We're convinced that ICW is at the beginning of a U.S. growth cycle and we’ll be 100% focused on helping our partners and clients succeed in adopting HIT that is fully aligned with their strategic goals and gets us closer to achieving the triple aim of healthcare: better care, lower costs and improved outcomes. ICW's full commitment to the U.S. is fostered by our strong belief that a majority of our revenue will come from the U.S. market over the next years," states Peter J. Kirschbauer.
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- InterComponentWare AG (ICW)'s Profile
About InterComponentWare AG
We are a privately owned international software company with over 15 years of experience in the field of Healthcare IT. We are headquartered in Walldorf, Germany, have our own subsidiary in the U.S. and are strongly U.S. market focused. We build efficient and reliable solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of care across the entire care continuum. Our solutions enable healthcare organizations to leverage innovative models for cross-enterprise care coordination and patient-centric care delivery. We apply state-of-the-art software technology to develop robust and highly scalable applications with a strong focus on optimal user experience. We support the most advanced communication and interoperability standards by design, and turn seamless integration into a straightforward process. Together with our partners, we deliver safe and sustainable solutions for more than 20 million patients across the United States, Germany and Switzerland.