The hospital, which has 953 beds, joins the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany and the Hospital de Dénia-Marina Salud in Spain in the highest stage of the European EMR Adoption Model (EMRAM) developed by HIMSS.
The Netherlands enjoy a high number of Stage 6 awarded hospitals, which consolidates this country as one of the European leaders in ehealth. Beside Radboudumc, as of today, 10 Dutch hospitals and university medical centers have achieved Stage 6. Across Europe there are more than 50 hospitals recognized in the Stage 6 category.
EMRAM has been adapted to meet the needs of European healthcare institutions as a methodology for evaluating the progress and impact of electronic medical record systems in hospitals. Tracking their progress in completing eight stages (0‐7), hospitals can review the implementation and utilization of information technology applications with the aim of reaching Stage 7, which represents a superior electronic patient record environment.
Hospitals that reach Stage 7 support the true sharing and use of patient data to improve process performance, quality of care and patient safety. Uwe Buddrus, senior consultant at HIMSS Analytics Europe, said: "Radboudumc is only the third hospital in Europe to achieve the prestigious HIMSS EMRAM Stage 7 Award and the first within two years during which many European hospitals - more than 1100 in Europe, 62 of which in The Netherlands - participated in the EMRAM evaluation. I am very happy that HIMSS has identified another best practice example in Europe, which I am sure will stimulate many other hospitals on their journey towards improving healthcare delivery by the use of hospital IT solutions."
Buddrus adds: "Radboudumc is also the first fully approved member of the HIMSS Stage 6 & 7 Club, and expected to take a leading role in providing continuous evidence of the benefits of IT. Among the many highlights of Radboudumc's achievements since its last evaluation and recognition as Stage 6, I'd like to emphasize their approach towards medication safety, as well as Clinical Decision Support."
For more information on the stage 7 award visit http://himssanalytics.eu/emram/
About HIMSS Analytics Europe
HIMSS Analytics Europe (HAE) provides health care organisations, governments and industry with extensive data resources and services about the adoption and use of healthcare information technology in Europe. HAE’s offerings include comparative Hospital IT adoption benchmarking, a European‐formulated EMR Adoption Model (EMRAM) scale, and other resources to help hospital directors, IT executives and clinicians compare and measure their progress and how they compare to others. Country level and application specific reports also provide insights into major IT adoption trends and applications.
About Radboud university medical centre
Radboud university medical center founded in 1951, is an institute for patient care, research and education & training, located in Nijmegen in the Netherlands. Our mission is to have a significant impact on healthcare. We aim to be a frontrunner in the development of innovative, sustainable and affordable healthcare. We offer excellent quality, participatory and personalised healthcare, operational excellence and sustainable networks. Our almost 10,000 employees and over 3,000 students do their utmost every day to make a positive contribution to the future of healthcare and medical sciences.