Advanced is one of 26 suppliers to have been chosen for the framework, which will operate for four years with a potential two-year extension and is free for any NHS organisation to access.
The framework has been launched by NHS SBS to offer providers a more cost effective means of procurement by ensuring they do not have to undertake the full OJEU process, which can be significantly more expensive, to tender for healthcare systems. Instead, NHS providers can localise their technology requirements and hold mini-competitions among suppliers listed on the framework that can be completed in a shorter timeframe and at a much reduced cost.
Advanced will provide its Adastra and Carenotes clinical patient management systems, along with its integrated mobile solutions, on four of the framework's lots which include: Core Clinical System requirements applicable to all NHS services (Lot 1), Integrated Emergency Care System provision (Lot 2), Child Health System provision (Lot 4) and E-Prescribing System provision applicable to all e-prescribing requirements in the NHS (Lot 6).
Jim Chase, Managing Director of Advanced Health & Care, comments, "We are very pleased to be included on the SBS framework. By reducing the time it takes to procure our market leading and interoperable clinical solutions, NHS providers can take advantage of significant efficiency savings and extend these benefits to improving patient care much sooner than was possible before."
Advanced Health & Care has experienced strong growth, particularly in the NHS 111 and Community and Mental Health sectors with a growing number of NHS Trusts selecting Advanced as their trusted solution provider. Its recent contract wins include Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.
Advanced Health & Care is an Advanced Computer Software Group company.
About Advanced Health & Care
Advanced Health & Care (Advanced) is a leading provider of IT management systems for adult and children's community, mental health, hospice, home and residential care services, as well as urgent and unscheduled care and clinical call centres.
Advanced focuses on providing innovative mobile IT applications for community based care, supporting tens of thousands of care workers and clinicians with integrated phone, software and airtime solutions.
Working with partners in the NHS, local government and the private sector, Advanced offers IT solutions in support of safe, efficient care delivery with integrated management information. Advanced’s unique proposition is its range of integrated care solutions offering visibility of information for both the commissioner and care provider.
Advanced Health & Care is a division of Advanced Computer Software Group Limited, a leading supplier of software and IT services to the health, care and business services sectors. In 2014, the Group won Tech Company of the Year in PwC's UK Tech Awards. Advanced was also ranked in the Deloitte UK Fast 50, which recognises the 50 fastest growing technology companies in the UK and ranked in the top 300 technology companies in Deloitte’s EMEA rankings.