The information system implemented by Romsys at the Hematology National Institute stands for a real contribution to the actual efforts of improvement of Romanian Health System.
Particularly, the integrated system leads to the elimination of the risks in terms of the transmission of sever diseases such as: hepatitis C or SIDA by means of blood transfusion - considered to be the main channel of spreading these diseases. In this way the system reaches the same level of safety/security as the similar systems in EU.
At the end of 2006, Romsys won the auction for the fifth Component of Phare Program concerning the enhancement of development of the information solution needed to administrate the Romanian Blood Transfusion System. The above mentioned Component concerns the development of the information solution.
The budget allocated for the pilot project consists of 350.000 Euro, of which 75% represent Phare contribution while the remaining of the amount represent co-financing of Romanian Ministry of Health, and the final beneficiry is the Hematology national Institute and the blood transfusion centers.
During the first stage, Romsys solution is implemented within three blood transfusion units (two in Bucharest and one in Constanta) and until the end of 2007 it will be integrated in other territorial blood transfusion centers.
"This project is extremely important to us. I do not exaggerate at all by calling it vital because on the one hand it will eliminate suspicions and risks and on the other hand it will rise the efficiency of this rare and precious resourse that is human blood." stated Mrs. Florentina Vladareanu, director of Hematology National Institute.
The project representas an important step towards the application of UE settlements related to the quality and safety of human blood, of blood components, related also to blood donations and transfusions security.
Romsys solution was chosen due to the cost-performance balance, due to the quality and short period of system implementation. Romsys has a longterm experience regarding rapid implementation of 'mission critical' projects.
In this way, the Romsys team joins Romanian medical community efforts in order to accomplish the national objective of health policy and to achieve blood and blood components autosufficiency in concordance with transfusional modern practices.
For the past 13 years of activity, Romsys successfully developed and implemented an important number of information solutions for the enhancement of activities efficiency and quality of medical services offered to the pacients in Romania.
Romsys implemented DISPEC system for the Emergency Services in Bucharest and other six counties (Cluj, Constanta, Dolj, Iasi, Mures, Timis).
This system is a computer aided dispatch designed for taking and solving calls quickly and accurately. It assures real time data about the medical resources available in the emergency ambulance centres, such as medical team and operational personal.
For DISPEC system Romsys received from the European Commission the status of a "Recognised eHealth Reference Site Across Europe", that certifies the quality of Romsys experts involved in the implementation of eHealth management solutions.
Romsys, founded in 1993 as 100% private company, is the first ICT Romanian company certified ISO 9000 since 1996. Romsys is praised for the quality of services offered to their customers, including solution design and development, implementation of business management solutions, security solutions, communication and infrastructure solutions on a variety of technologies and platforms. Romsys solutions and services are used primarily in defence and national security sectors, banking, government, telecommunications and public utilities sectors.
For further information, please visit www.romsys.ro