Great Ormond Street's fully integrated enterprise will be the subject of a presentation by Mr. John Campbell, Great Ormond St. Hospital's CIO at the HC07 Conference in Harrogate, England on Tuesday 20, March, 2007.
Great Ormond Street Hospital currently maintains 15 interfaces hosted on BridgeForward's award-winning interface engine, ClearSpan Server. In many cases the ClearSpan interfaces function as a front-end to iSoft's iPM PAS, providing universal connectivity between and among a variety of clinical and administrative systems throughout the hospital.
"ClearSpan Server has provided us with the ability to implement seamless connectivity to and from iSoft's iPM PAS and a multitude of disparate, standalone departmental systems in a fast, cost-effective, standardized and supportable manner," stated John Campbell, Great Ormond Street's CIO. "We are delighted to be able to contribute in some small way to the great work done at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children," stated Gina Stradis, BridgeForward's vice president, EMEA. "Our commitment to making application integration easy and affordable to implement clearly provides benefit to hospitals like Great Ormond Street."
About BridgeForward Software, Inc.
Founded by the team that created MicroScript Corporation, BridgeForward brings together the EAI pioneers who developed two of the most popular application integration products in healthcare: MicroScript Server and the award-winning e-Biz2000. Together these two products became the most installed interface engines in US and UK healthcare.
ClearSpan Server and the embeddable, private label version, Edge4 are largely based on e-Biz2000. BridgeForward reacquired the e-Biz 2000 technology in 2003 and has added significant new features and functionality. With more than 2,200 healthcare installs, BridgeForward is a leading provider of practical, easy-to-use, right-sized and right priced tools for the rapid integration of legacy and Web-based applications as well as data migration. www.bridgeforward.net
About Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust (GOSH) is a national centre of excellence in the provision of specialist children's health care, currently delivering the widest range of specialist care of any children's hospital in the UK. It is also the country's only Biomedical Academic Centre for paediatrics. It works in partnership with the UCL Institute of Child Health (ICH), part of University College London, and together they form the largest paediatric research and teaching centre in the UK.
The hospital at Great Ormond Street is the only exclusively specialist children's hospital in the UK. It does not have an Accident and Emergency department and only accepts specialist referrals from other hospitals and community services. The population of children served by the hospital is characterised by those with multiple disabilities and/or health problems and rare and congenital (present at birth) conditions. Many children need the help of different specialist teams. Improvements in health care and diagnosis mean that many children have dramatically improved survival rates and more therapeutic options than was the case 10 years ago. Sadly though, many of the children cared for at GOSH still have life-threatening or life-limiting conditions.