"Worldline eGK KAMS"
At this year's event, Atos Worldline will showcase the upgrade of its card application management system "Worldline eGK KAMS" to "Worldline eGK JSS" (Java Security Server). Through "Worldline eGK JSS" - an integrated, highly available and highly secured solution for the public key infrastructure provided by Gematik for the electronic health card - security is ensured against general access to patient data. The solution is modular and covers all safety requirements for the card application management service. In addition, it can also be integrated into the existing telematics infrastructure components without great expense. The security requirements for key management, card personalisation, online card updates and health insurance agency requests (VSDD) along with card application directory services are supported in accordance with Gematik's requirements.
With the eInvoice solution, the paperless exchange of invoices enables savings of around 50%. With just the 18 billion invoices exchanged every year in Europe, around 100 billion euros could be saved annually through an EU-wide switch to digital billing. eInvoice now even makes it possible to take into account different legal and technical requirements in terms of electronic B2B exchange.
In order to simplify the B2B electronic transactions for its European clients, Atos Worldline offers its electronic signature and legal archiving solution - Worldline Invoice - which runs on a unique collaborative web platform across all the European countries. With a data handling capacity of more than one million invoices per month, Worldline Invoice is the leading EBPP (Electronic Billing Presentment and Payment) European platform operating 24/7. It is compliant with the regulations of 14 European countries and is currently being rolled out in another twelve countries, with an interface tailored to each countrys language and legislation.
The Atos Worldline solution covers: PKI (Private Key Infrastructure) and advanced electronic signature; country qualified certification ; proof of invoice authenticity and integrity, control of the electronic signature and archiving of the electronically signed invoice and control report for ten years. The solution also integrates a web platform that enables efficient retrieval of archived records.
About Atos Origin
Atos Origin is a leading international IT services provider. The company offers the entire spectrum of information technology consultancy and services. Its areas of expertise include consulting, systems integration and outsourcing. Atos Origin generates an annual turnover of 5.4 billion euros and employs a workforce of 50,000 in 40 countries. Atos Origin is the worldwide IT partner for the Olympic Games. The company's customers include international firms from all sectors of activity. Atos Origin is quoted on the Paris Eurolist Marché and trades as Atos Origin, Atos Euronext Market Solutions, Atos Worldline and Atos Consulting.
Atos Worldline is a subsidiary of the Atos Origin group. As a European-wide services provider in the field of processing large amounts of data, the company specialises in electronic payment services and solutions, customer relationship management and e-services (Internet and voice recognition services, as well as mobile services). Atos Worldline offers technological innovation and implements its solutions in either processing or integration mode. On 7 December 2006, Atos Origin announced the takeover of Banksys and BCC (Bank Card Company), thus creating a European market leader in payment transactions with a consolidated pro forma turnover of 630 million euros and 4,000 employees in 2006. For further information, please visit www.atosorigin.com