Open Call SC1-PM-07-2017: Promoting Mental Health and Well-being in the Young
Proposals should develop population-oriented primary prevention interventions to promote mental well-being of young people and assess them for their effectiveness. The interventions should build on but may go beyond existing state-of-the art knowledge on biological, psychological and social determinants of mental well-being such as societal, cultural, work life, lifestyle, epidemiological, economic and environmental perspectives.
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Open Call SC1-PM-15-2017: Personalised Coaching for Well-Being and Care of People as they Age
Proposals should develop a proof of concept of radically new solutions for a personalised "virtual coach", building upon intelligent ICT environments, access to relevant physiological and behavioural data, new forms of accessible interaction based on tangible user interaction concepts, open platforms and emotional computing.
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Open Call ICT-06-2016: Cloud Computing
Recent trends in cloud computing go towards the development of new paradigms (heterogeneous, federated, distributed clouds) as opposed to the current centralised model, with tight interactions between the computing and networking infrastructures.
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Open Call ICT-14-2016-2017: Big Data PPP: Cross-Sectorial and Cross-Lingual Data Integration and Experimentation
Europe lacks a systematic transfer of knowledge and technology across different sectors and there is an underdeveloped data sharing and linking culture. Traditionally, data has been collected and used for a certain purpose within sectorial "silos", while using data across sectors for offering new services opens new opportunities for solving business and societal challenges.
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Open Call ICT-22-2016: Technologies for Learning and Skills
Learning today takes place in a context of new interactions between formal and informal learning, the changing role of teachers, the impact of social media, and the students' active participation in the design of learning activities. While there is strong demand for (user-driven) innovation in digital learning,
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Open Call ICT-15-2016-2017: Big Data PPP: Large Scale Pilot Actions in Sectors Best Benefitting from Data-Driven Innovation
European research and development in data technologies produces promising results, but these are not yet deployed at large scale in a systematic manner. The challenge is to stimulate effective piloting and targeted demonstrations in large-scale sectorial actions ("Large Scale Pilot actions"), in data-intensive sectors, involving key European industry actors.
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Open Call ICT-24-2016: Gaming and Gamification
The software games business is growing fast. Its technological and methodological underpinnings have been laid down in years of research and development. At a significantly lower scale, they are now finding their way into non-entertainment contexts, helping deliver substantial benefits, particularly in education, training, research and health.
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