This year 311 cases from 32 of the 34 eligible European countries has been received.[1] The number of Finalists selected and cases received by theme are as follows:
- Better public services for growth and jobs - 7 Finalists selected from 28 cases submitted
- Participation and transparency - 13 Finalists selected from 49 cases submitted
- Social impact and cohesion - 7 Finalists selected from 40 cases submitted
- Effective and efficient administration - 26 Finalists selected from 194 cases submitted
The winners will be presented at the Ministerial eGovernment Conference 2007 at the Awards ceremony on 20 September in Lisbon (PT) following the third and final phase of the evaluation. For further information on the Ministerial eGovernment Conference 2007 please visit: www.megovconf-lisbon.gov.pt
Voting for the public prize for the "most innovative good practice" is open from 16 July to 15 September. To be eligible to vote for one of the 53 Finalist you must be a registered user of, and with a full profile on, the Good Practice portal (www.epractice.eu) before 7 September 2007.
For further information on the European eGovernment Awards please visit the Good Practice portal www.epractice.eu/awards
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