Deriving from the inherited agenda, the follwing dossiers are at the core of the Presidency's activities in the field of research and development:
Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs)
After having identified six sectors, the work on the European Commission´s proposals is being continued. The negotiations on embedded computing systems, innovative medicine, aeronautics and air transport and nanoelectronics JTIs are going on and the fuel cells and hydrogen JTI will be first dealt with.
Initiatives under Article 169
The final phase of the codecision procedure for the first initiatives ("Ambient Assisted Living" and "EUROSTARS") is expected and the discussion on the next two initiatives (in the field of Baltic Sea research and the field of metrology) might be initiated.
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
When having reached an agreement with the European Parliament, the establishment of the Governing Board will be of central importance. This body's responsibility is among others to identify the first "Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs)".
Apart from this agenda, the following topics will be in the special focus of the Slovenian Presidency:
Western Balkans
The more effective inclusion of the Western Balkan Countries is an absolute key priority for Slovenia. Therefore, the meeting of the "Steering Platform for Research in the Countries of the Western Balkans" is organised, in hope to make those events a regular issue on each presidency's agenda.
Research Infrastructures
A conference on 5 and 6 March will explore the strucural dimension of research infrastructures within the European Research Area, with a strong focus on regions. At the core of the discussions will be the question how to futher develop these infrastructures in the context of ERA in a well coordinated way and how they can contribute to the Lisbon objectives.
Role of women in science
In the framework of the informal meetings of CREST and the Council's Research Working Party on 7 and 8 February, the results of a study on "Women in Research decision making", the activities of the Helsinki Group for Women and Science at the European Commission as well as the concept of the Slovenian national programme "Young researchers" including examples of best practice will be presented. The aim of this approach is to develop an integrated model based on a policy mix addressing the whole life cycle of the scientific career from the beginning through all stages up to the highest decision-making positions, enabling to increase the number of researchers which is of key importance for the full realization of ERA.
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