Study Finds Telemedicine Appointments Reduce Risk of Further Illness
Children with medically complex cases require intense care supervision for conditions like genetic diseases, feeding difficulties, and developmental delays.
Children with medically complex cases require intense care supervision for conditions like genetic diseases, feeding difficulties, and developmental delays.
Researchers from Lancaster University Management School, the Norwegian University Science and Technology and Trinity College Dublin examined the cognitive function of more than 2,000 retired people from across Europe, and found that post-retirement internet usage is associated with substantially higher scores on tests.
When tested separately on 44,755 already completed ultrasound exams, the artificial intelligence (AI) tool improved radiologists' ability to correctly identify the disease by 37 percent and reduced the number of tissue samples, or biopsies, needed to confirm suspect tumors by 27 percent.
The research was sparked by the pandemic and set out to build an AI tool to predict how much extra oxygen a COVID-19 patient may need in the first days of hospital care, using data from across four continents.