On the 13th of April 2012, the epSOS piloting phase has started, testing the technical, semantic and legal solutions that have been developed in the epSOS project in a real-life environment over a one-year period. This means that from now on, European patients that have agreed to take part in the epSOS pilot and epSOS health professionals will be using and evaluating the epSOS pilot cross-border Patient Summary, ePrescription and eDispensation services at points of care participating in the epSOS pilot. The intention is to demonstrate the concept that, with the help of epSOS, medical treatment for citizens residing in other countries can be improved by providing health professionals with the necessary patient data in a secure electronic format.
The major challenge for secure cross border data exchange in respect of EU and national privacy regulations has been successfully addressed in a common approach accepted by the participating nations. It has then been implemented through national contractual arrangements which are based on the epSOS Framework Agreement. The protection of personal data will be systematically monitored during the operation of the services, to ensure continuing conformance and protection throughout the epSOS pilot.
Visit www.epsos.eu/poc_database now to find healthcare provider participating in the epSOS pilot phase.
For further information, please visit: http://www.epsos.eu
About epSOS
epSOS aims to design, build and evaluate a service infrastructure that demonstrates cross-border interoperability between electronic health record systems in Europe.