The European EMR Adoption Model (EMRAM) has been adapted to meet the unique needs of European Healthcare Institutions as a methodology for evaluating the progress and impact of electronic medical record systems in hospitals. Tracking their progress in completing eight stages (0-7), hospitals can review the implementation and utilization of information technology applications with the intent of reaching Stage 7, which represents a superior electronic patient record environment.
"Stage 6 & 7 hospitals provide best practices that other healthcare organizations can study as they strive to use EMR applications to improve patient safety, clinical outcomes and patient care delivery efficiency," said Uwe Buddrus, General Manager, HIMSS Analytics Europe.
For further information on the Stage 6 & 7 award, please visit:
About the HIMSS Europe Leadership Summit
The HIMSS Europe Health IT Leadership Summit, is a Pan-European executive level forum for education, collaboration and dialogue. Top leaders from healthcare, IT and government will convene to help advance the quality of healthcare delivery. The event will feature conference sessions, a hospital visit and vast networking opportunities at the most senior level. For further information, please visit www.hitleadershipsummit.eu.
About HIMSS Analytics Europe
HIMSS Analytics Europe (HAE) provides health care organisations, governments and industry with extensive data resources and services about the adoption and use of healthcare information technology in Europe. HAE’s offerings include comparative Hospital IT adoption benchmarking, a European-formulated EMR Adoption Model (EMRAM) scale, and other resources to help hospital directors, IT executives and clinicians compare and measure their progress and how they compare to others. Country level and application specific reports also provide insights into major IT adoption trends and applications.