A highly integrated interface enables easy and secure exchange of documents between iMedOne® and PEGASOS® in the future. It is planned that HIS users can access the archive with one click without logging on once again and inspect the digital patient files there or order a paper file that is required. For the clients the cooperative arrangement means more convenience and effectiveness in the information sector in the long term.
The St Josef Krankenhaus-Engelskirchen in Germany will be the first hospital to profit from the benefits of the new cooperative arrangement by the end of the year. In the second institution of the Katholischen Kliniken Oberberg gGmbH, the Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus Lindlar, the implementation work will commence at the beginning of 2007.
TietoEnator is one of the leading healthcare and welfare ICT solution providers in Europe. The company offers state-of-the-art ICT solutions and IT services for healthcare and welfare service providers. The aim is to support healthcare and welfare sectors in digitising their processes, promoting seamless service chains and various regional cooperation models as well as an excellent return in invested solutions.
TietoEnator has over 30 years of experience in the welfare and healthcare industries, employs over 1200 experts in seven countries and has operations in eleven countries in these businesses. In Germany the company has acquired two healthcare IT companies: ITB Informationstechnologie Beratung AG in January 2005 and Waldbrenner AG in January 2006. iMedOne® is a web-based hospital information system, which makes patient data accessible on PCs and on mobile appliances such as PDAs and Tablet PCs.
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- Tieto's Profile
TietoEnator is among the leading architects in building a more efficient information society and one of the largest IT services providers in Europe. TietoEnator specializes in consulting, developing and hosting its customers' business operations in the digital economy. The Group's services are based on a combination of deep industry-specific expertise and the latest information technology. TietoEnator has over 15 000 experts in more than 25 countries.
The Berlin-based company Marabu EDV-Beratung und -Service GmbH was established in 1991 being one of the leading manufacturers of archiving and documentation solutions in the healthcare market. Marabu supports its clients during the electronic administration and documentation of all the documents and data relating to the patients by means of modular solutions and comprehensive services. The file administration, digital archiving, electronic patients' fields, Web-solution modules as well as PACS for the archiving and communication of x-ray findings and images form part of the PEGASOS® product family. PARES is offered to support the nursing care documentation and administration work in the geriatric care and disabled nursing care fields.