The priorities reflect the input received from the Programme Committee, the IST Advisory Group1 (ISTAG), the European Technology Platforms in ICT and other preparatory activities including workshops involving the main stakeholders. The Work Programme is also in line with the main ICT policy priorities as defined in the i2010 initiative, - a European Information Society for Growth and Employment.
Improving the competitiveness of European industry and enabling Europe to master and shape future developments in ICT so that the demands of its society and economy are met. ICT is at the very core of the knowledge-based society. Activities will strengthen Europe's scientific and technology base and ensure its global leadership in ICT, help drive and stimulate product, service and process innovation and creativity through ICT use and ensure that ICT progress is rapidly transformed into benefits for Europe's citizens, businesses, industry and governments. These activities will also help reduce the digital divide and social exclusion.
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Please note, a new site has been launched on CORDIS focusing on the ICT research to be funded under the Seventh Framework Programme!
For further information, please visit: ICTs in FP7
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