A Theme for research and development under the specific programme "Cooperation" implementing the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities.
This Work Programme for the ICT theme of the FP7 Specific Programme "Cooperation" defines the priorities for the calls for proposals to be launched in 2007 and the criteria that will be used for evaluating the proposals responding to these calls.
The priorities reflect the input received from the Programme Committee, the IST Advisory Group (ISTAG), the European Technology Platforms3 in ICT and other preparatory activities including workshops involving the main stakeholders. The Work Programme is also in line with the main ICT policy priorities as defined in the i2010 initiative4 - a European Information Society for Growth and Employment.
The Work Programme will be updated on a regular basis.
For further information and download link, please visit ICT Library.
Please note, a new site has been launched on CORDIS focusing on the ICT research to be funded under the Seventh Framework Programme!
For further information, please visit: ICTs in FP7
Copyright ©European Communities, 2006
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